2024 NSW Budget
What's in the budget for the community and disability sectors

18 June 2024

Today the NSW Labor Government handed down its second budget for the state of NSW.

The biggest news is that we are one step closer to winning portable long service leave - which is now in the budget, and can be passed by Parliament this week!

There is also a promise from Housing Minister Rose Jackson to build 8,400 new social homes - the biggest investment in public housing in the state’s history.

Plus half of all these homes will be for women and children leaving domestic violence.

This is a huge commitment and will save lives.
Other announcements include:
$7.1 million for a new Disability Reform taskforce to respond to the Disability Royal Commission.
$3.6 million to expand the family and domestic violence peak body, DV NSW.
$527 million for frontline homelessness services
$48 million for Staying Home Leaving Violence program
$2.4 million for LGBTQIA+ youth including additional funding for The Gender Centre
for additional funding for the NSW DV hotline
$5.5 million for Women's Domestic Violence Court Assistant (WDVCAS) program

I love being a member of the ASU because as a collective we make a difference in the lives of all of the workers across the community sector
Josephine ASU member