Roster Justice for Airline Workers
ASU Airline Members Are Standing Our Ground

19 June 2024

The ASU has lodged a case in the Fair Work Commission, making a stand for the right to disconnect and roster justice for airlines workers and Branch Secretary Angus McFarland caught up with proud ASU members Kylie and Roni at Sydney International Terminal to talk about improving working conditions for all airline workers!

We want to see the Right to Disconnect enshrined in all awards, for all workers – including airlines workers, setting clear boundaries that protect your personal time.

ASU members have told us about the endless cycle of last-minute shift changes and the constant need to check in with work—even on your days off. We know it’s more than a nuisance; it's a barrier to the downtime you rightfully deserve.

We are advocating for a firm change that will make a difference.

We want to see the Right to Disconnect enshrined in all awards, for all workers – including airlines workers, setting clear boundaries that protect your personal time.

This means no more calls, no more emails, and no sudden shift changes after you’ve clocked off. This means rosters that are fair, stable and predictable.

Already we’ve been pushing for a minimum of 28 days' notice for all schedule changes and a cap of five consecutive workdays. The Right to Disconnect is another way your union is trying to win roster justice for airlines workers.

The reality is that being 'always on' doesn't just wear you down — it impacts your health, your family time, and even your productivity at work.

By securing the Right to Disconnect, we aim to boost your wellbeing and ensure you can truly enjoy your time off without work hanging over your head.

ASU members are advocating for a job that supports their life, not consumes it.

ASU Airlines delegates at the 2024 National Conference.

Get in touch with your organisers if you want to get involved in the campaign to protect your conditions.

SIT and Freight: Mikaela Pappou | [email protected]

CBR, Qantas Campus and Engineering Supply Chain: Rhiannon Robson | [email protected]

I love being a member of the ASU because as a collective we make a difference in the lives of all of the workers across the community sector
Josephine ASU member