There are thousands of ASU members working in the NDIS in the Disability and Community Mental Health support services.  We know what is and isn't working in the NDIS.

ASU members working in frontline services have shared their feedback - they have attended NDIA / NDIS worker forums, presented at parliamentary inquiries and written submissions for NDIS reviews.

We now know that:

  • the pricing units don't reflect the true cost of delivering high quality person centred services;
  • we need greater focus on training and ongoing worker development;
  • a classification structure which recognises the skills required to work with high support needs clients needs to be developed.

We want secure jobs with predictable hours for worker security and continuity of support for people with disability.

ASU members around Australia are campaigning to make the NDIS the best it can be.

Be part of it:
  • Join the ASU (and encourage your workmates to do the same). Our branch will then make contact with you
  • Once you are a member, you can ask an ASU Organiser from your ASU branch to visit your worksite to discuss the campaign with you and your workmates
  • Download the toolkit on how to get your workplace active in the campaign.

I love that my union not only advocates for NDIS workers, we advocate for participants & their families as well. It makes me proud to be ASU.
ASU member in Disability Services