We have won Portable Long Service Leave in SA!

After years of campaigning, Australian Services Union community + disability sector members are celebrating the passing of Long Service Leave legislation through both houses of South Australian Parliament. 

The new Portable Long Service Leave scheme will come into effect for all South Australian community and disability sector workers on 1 July 2025. 

For too long, insecure funding and work has meant many community + disability sector workers have never been with one employer long enough to be able to take long service leave. Now thanks to ASU members, from 1 July 2025 community + disability services workers will be able to take their long service leave entitlement with them between employers enabling them to finally access long service leave. 

The Union has put together the following FAQs to understand what portable long service leave will mean for you.  

If you’re not already a member, make sure you join to stay up to date as Portable Long Service Leave takes effect and help us continue improving working conditions in our sector. 

What is Portable Long Service Leave (PLSL)? 

Currently most workers in the Community and Disability sector lose their long service leave when funding shifts have forced them to continue their work under a new employer. Now, from 1 July 2025 workers will take their leave with them.

  • From 1 July 2025 workers will take their long service leave entitlements with them as they move between different employers in the sector. This means: 
  • Workers can take their long service leave entitlements with them if they move to another employer in the sector. 
  • Workers who have worked for decades in frontline services can finally take a paid break from work. 
  • Burn out will be reduced. 
  • It will be easier to attract and retain quality staff in the sector.

How will it work? 

The portable scheme will allow workers in the Community and Disability sector to accrue long service leave benefits, regardless of the number of employers they have worked for. We know this model works, with Portable Long Service in the Community and Disability sectors in the ACT, Queensland and Victoria already in place. 

  • Employers will pay a levy into an independently managed fund (as exists for SA Construction workers) to fund your long service leave 
  • The government will be establishing a PLSL Community Sector Board to oversee the transition and manage the fund moving forward 
  • Full-time, part-time, fixed-term and casual workers can all access the portable long service leave scheme 
  • The employer registers their business for the scheme 
  • There is a broad range of roles that are covered, you can see this list at the following FAQs 
  • You do NOT lose any of the long service leave already accrued with your current employer, however if you leave your current employment prior to the scheme beginning in July 2025, your new employer will not be responsible for the portion of long service leave accrued prior to the commencement of the scheme 
  • Applications for long service leave will be lodged with the Community Sector Board. The Board will then pay workers directly. 
  • Portable Long Service Leave will cover community and disability services workers in both for-profit and not-for-profit organisations. 

How much long service leave can the Community and Disability sector access? 

  • In line with existing Long Service Leave entitlements, Portable Long Service Leave will provide a worker with ten years of service 13 weeks long service leave and; 
  • An additional 1.3 weeks for each subsequent 12 months of service in the community services sector; 
  • A pro-rata payment if a worker leaves employment after 7 years continuous service. 

Have more questions? Access our FAQs here or email the ASU SA & NT team at [email protected] 


"I’ve worked for 22 years as a youth worker supporting Aboriginal young people. I’ve never had long service leave."
ASU member