We're by your side. Access expert advice and tailored support to meet your workplace needs.  

When you join the Australian Services Union, you can access the advice, support, and representation you need. 

This could range from a quick consultation over the phone, an ally in the workplace or representation in the court room.

Each day, our expert team supports our members with:

+ Workplace and Legal Assistance
Our union is here to support and help you when you have an issue at work. These issues often arise unexpectedly and can happen to anyone - that’s why you need your union by your side.

Common issues include:
  • Award, Contract and Agreement enquiries
  • Disciplinary action, including dismissal
  • Grievance handling
  • Flexible working arrangements
  • Restructures and redundancies
  • Workplace bullying and harassment
  • Workplace stress and mental health issues
  • Unreasonable workload and KPIs
  • Workplace Health and Safety
  • Workplace injury matters

If you need advice or assistance with a problem at work, please contact us.  

Legal Services:
We’re by your side when things get tough. Our internal legal team can support you with expert advice and representation. We also have long standing relationships with specialist legal firms who can provide additional advice when needed. Contact us directly here.   

+ Check your pay

As a member of the Australian Services Union, we can help you secure the wages and conditions you’re entitled to. 

Each year the Australian Services Union recovers tens of millions of dollars in stolen wages for members. 

Underpayment of wages is a crime – whether it is not being paid penalty rates on the weekend, skipping breaks, being incorrectly classified, or not being paid Superannuation. We can help you recover your stolen wages.

If you are unsure whether your employer is paying you correctly contact us right away.

+ Workplace safety

A healthy workplace starts with secure employment, reasonable expectations from your employer and active management regarding workplace risks. We can help you resolve any workplace safety issue whether it’s a physical health and safety issue or relates to stress and other mental health hazards.

Workplaces have different risks that our union helps members with, including:

Workplace injuries:

Your workplace should be safe. It is the responsibility of your employer to make it so. Remember, if something goes wrong, you have rights. 

Sadly, the workers compensation system can often feel cruel, lonely, and hard to navigate. For this and other reasons around 80% of workers who incurred an injury or illness at work fail to make a workers’ compensation claim. When you are in the union, you don’t have to face that challenging system alone. We are by your side.

Workplace mental health:
Work can hugely impact our mental health. The ASU defends your right to work in positive, supportive, and inclusive environment where your mental health and wellbeing are protected. 

We can assist you with unreasonable workloads and KPIs, bullying and harassment, and unachievable performance improvement plans.

Workplace sexual harassment and assault:
Workplace sexual harassment and assault is a serious criminal offence. The ASU works tirelessly to make workplaces safe from gendered violence and to hold employers accountable when they fail in their obligations to provide a safe workplace.

Exposure to heat:

The climate is changing. We have stopped talking about global warming and now refer to global boiling. This means, more and more workers are being asked to work in extreme heat. 

Whether you are working indoors, outdoors or in vehicles you have a right to decline unsafe work.

The ASU can support you and your Work, Health + Safety Representatives to reasonably manage the risks and establish fair policies to protect us all.

+ Social, Community and Disability insurance
The Australian Services Union recognises the unique challenges faces by our members working in Social, Community and Disability Services. 

In addition to free confidential advice, representation and industrial (legal) support, ASU members in Social, Community, and Disability Services also protected by:
Members Professional indemnity insurance and
Journey insurance 

+ Job security
Whether its needless casualisation, the use of labour hire, or rolling fixed term contracts, job insecurity has become endemic in Australia. It hasn’t always been this way, and by standing together in union we can win back secure jobs.

The ASU has a proven track record of making work more secure for our members. Whether it’s protecting no forced redundancy clauses, converting fixed term contracts into permanent positions, or campaigning for longer government funding cycles, the ASU will not let employers’ water down your job security.

We can only win back job security if we all work together in union. Join today.  

+ Support with a pre-exisiting issue
A union exists for its members.

It is possible to join the ASU when you have a pre-existing workplace issue and still receive support for the union, however to be fair to our long-term members we have a policy that governs how we provide support. Learn more here.

+ Free professional development

ASU members also receive free professional development with ASU Career Launchpad. ASU Career Launchpad is the ASU's professional development platform designed for and with ASU members.

ASU members can access free professional development with ASU Career Launchpad. ASU Career Launchpad is the ASU's professional development platform designed exclusively for ASU members.
ASU members have full and free access to 100+ online courses. These courses cover a variety of different topics, such as:
  • leadership masterclass for new managers
  • stress management at work
  • coaching and mentoring skills for managers
  • job application and interview skills
  • computer skills (coding, powerpoint and excel)
  • professional writing
  • safety at work
  • dealing with difficult work relationships and problematic customers
  • parental leave and your rights at work
  • managing finances, superannuation and preparing for retirement
  • and so much more. Learn more here.

+ Discounts and savings
With cost of living pressure being a big issue for members we know how important it is to save every cent wherever possible.

That’s why we use our bargaining power nationally through Union Shopper to secure ASU members better deals on your weekly shop and other household expenses.
Learn more about our discounts and savings here.  

Being an ASU member also gives you access to discounted First Aid training through Red Cross Australia. This includes First Aid for babies and mental Health First Aid training. Learn more.  

Through our partnership with Hall Payne lawyers ASU members + your partner can access our free online will service, valued at $330 each - so $660 in total!

If you need advice or require assistance with a workplace issue, please contact us and an experienced member of our staff will contact you.
Don’t just take our word for it – research proves that a unionised worksite has better wages and conditions than other worksites. 

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, union members on average earn 26% more than non-union members! In the administration and services sectors, where there is a collective agreement, this equates to around $529 extra per week in the pockets of members.

If you need advice on improving your workplace, please contact us and an experienced member of our team will contact you.

When you join the Australian Services Union, your membership provides additional benefits and services including access to free legal and industrial support, peace of mind protection, and so much more. Find more about this here.   

Join now
Knowing I have the protection of the ASU is one less thing I have to worry about.
ASU member in Social Services
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Portable Long Service Leave in SA

After years of campaigning, Australian Services Union community + disability sector members are celebrating the passing of Long Service Leave legislation through both houses of South Australian Parliament. The new Portable Long Service Leave sche 17/09/2024