The Australian Services Union has a proud history as an effective campaigning union.

We make our voice heard  and create change in your workplace, your communities, the streets, the courts and the halls of Parliament.

In recent years, ASU members made history when we led and won the campaign for 10 days paid family violence leave for all workers. What started off as an ASU campaign grew into a national movement. We were the first union to deliver paid family violence leave in a workplace Agreement. In October 2022, this reform was enshrined into the National Employment Standards after an almost decade-long campaign. This entitlement can and will save lives - and was only won because ASU members never gave up. In South Australia, ASU members working in Local Government have fought off efforts by conservative governments to introduce rate capping, saving members jobs and protecting the vital services our local councils provide.

We are the only State in Australia to successfully block rate capping. In the Northern Territory and South Australia we have won commitments from government to introduce Portable Long Service Leave for Community, Social and Disability workers. This will be life changing for workers who typically move around employers every few years due to government funding cycles.

As a major energy industry union, the ASU has been campaigning for a Just Transition for workers in high-carbon energy generation. After many years of lobbying State and Federal governments, ASU members celebrated the establishment of the Net Zero Authority in 2023, a body that will provide practical support and training for our members working in high-polluting energy generation. 

As a democratic union, it is rank-and-file members who drive our campaigns. Workers are their own best advocates. And there is nothing more powerful than when workers stand together to create real change. 

If you want to fight for fair with your fellow union members join today. You can read more about our current campaigns here and how this will benefit you, as an ASU member.

The ASU sets its ambitions very high.
Check out our current campaigns here.

No one thought we could stop rate capping being introduced. But the ASU stood firm, saving local jobs & services.
ASU member in Local Government

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Portable Long Service Leave in SA

After years of campaigning, Australian Services Union community + disability sector members are celebrating the passing of Long Service Leave legislation through both houses of South Australian Parliament. The new Portable Long Service Leave sche 17/09/2024